Life lessons learned on the way to find harmonious synchronicity with my horse...or at least stay on!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Smokey's Blog Entry

Hay All!!  Since Kristen is too busy with whatever she does from sun up to sun down to share the stories about her most prized possession, I decided to pick up her slack and blog for her.  Smokey here reporting from Bittersweet Acres aka my kingdom.  Kristen told me that she hasn't blogged since the wintertime, and then, one lady at the barn this weekend with a big red horse told her that her blog sucks.  So, being the genius that I am, I told her "Stand back....I got this".

In February, Kristen took me and another dark horse (Patrick) to something called a bomb proofing clinic.  My favorite part was when I got to stand on top of this tall platform so I could look bigger.  My least favorite part included putting my feet in water (it was cold!) and walking through this thing called the "car wash".  I prefer not to have strange objects touching me at all times.  For a good time, check out all my awesomeness as I desensitize the humans in these pictures:!i=2377523804&k=PkdMczb

Shortly afterward, Kristen was either hypnotized or under a witch's spell of the male variety.  Don't understand it....don't wanna know.  I met him.  Meh.  Let's get back to more important things. 

Like when I escaped the terrors of the ridiculous items called "blankets"-my plan was just to remove a layer, and somehow it didn't quite goes as planned.  The end result was the same-the blanket came off.  It just wasn't in one piece anymore and required the help of humans to remove/amputate it.

Let's just say I like to keep things interesting!!

Last but not least, I would like to say this.  Kristen has this notion that I have talent, and dreams about us sailing over fences and bringing home buckets of blue ribbons.  Now, I know that I am an excellent jumper, but until she can get her crap together, it's not gonna happen.  And I test her daily to prove a point.  I'll spook, jump, spin, buck, and bolt at the slightest breeze and then spook again just to keep her on her hooves...I mean toes.  I can do this all day and night, just try me.  Now, I admit that sometimes I take it a bit too far, but hay-she hasn't fallen off yet!!  ...err since last year.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Smokey!!! And I didn't say the blog sucked, just that I wanted an update. Thank you!!
